SIP – Let’s Talk About Consent

Dear All,

Come and meet via Zoom, two powerful and imaginative leaders who will invite us to reflect with them on the spiritual dimension of Consent…

I know it will be a transformational evening of conversation for those of us who are fortunate enough to be able to Zoom in. And perhaps some of us - as well as participating by “deep listening” – might feel like sharing some of our thoughts – either in writing on the Chat function or by raising our hand to be invited by Susan, our Moderator, to contribute orally.

An evening of conversation to which we all look forward…

Our leaders in conversation will be:

Professor Michael Salter who is a criminologist at the University of New South Wales, where he specialises in the study of child sexual abuse, gender-based violence and complex trauma.


Ms Prue Gregory OAM, a lawyer who has spent the past 25 years working in the community- from helping to set up a legal clinic in Kings Cross for people experiencing homelessness, to Campbelltown as the Principal Lawyer at Macarthur Legal Centre and more recently as the former Principal Lawyer of knowmore Legal Service.

We look forward to “seeing” as many of you who can make it on 3rd April.

If you can assist us with a donation to help us that would be wonderful. Here are the details:
Commonweatlh Bank
Account name: Catalyst for Renewal Inc. BSB:062 182 Acc No:1002 4424

Thank you for continuing to help us strengthen our SIP/S.O.S community

And we look forward to “seeing” as many of you who can make it on 6th March

Happy SIP-ping!

Marea, on behalf of the Paddington Organising Team (0414 873 910)

Bach – The Benefactor

St Francis of Assisi, Paddington 463 Oxford Street, Paddington, NSW, Australia

Bach - The Benefactor Join Bach Akademie Australia orchestra and choir for their first concert of 2024. The Bach family spent their lives in service. After four generations of practicing musicians, J.S. Bach was no different. He was a passionate educator, pedagogue, school master and mentor to his own many children and those of the […]